Comox Valley C.G. Jung Society
Lectures and workshops to help people gain a better understanding of themselves and others.
Warm welcome to the Comox Valley
C.G. Jung Society
The members of the Comox Valley C. G. Jung Society, located in the beautiful Comox Valley on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, warmly invite you to join us in exploring the brilliant writings, art and theories of Carl Jung.
Our purpose is to offer engaging lectures and workshops featuring local, national and international Jungian speakers who can help us all gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and others. We believe that Jung’s extensive teachings on topics such as dreams, psyche, archetypes and mythology, relationships, individuation, shadow, and active imagination are increasingly relevant for our personal and collective modern day circumstances & challenges.
The usual location for all our
in-person lectures is:
Stan Hagen Theatre
North Island College
2300 Ryan Road
Courtenay BC V9N 8N6
*Some Events are delivered via ZOOM
How to Join
Membership is only $15.00 per year, and gives you discounts on all lectures, which usually occur on Fridays @ 7-9PM.
Jungian Lecture: The Interplay between Jungian Psychology and Andean Shamanism with Deborah Byron, PhD
Friday, February 21, 2025, at 7-9 PM (PDT) Live, via ZOOM
Member Benefits
For only $15.00 per year, gain access to education, community, and resources.
Lecture Discount
Members save on every lecture ($15 vs. $20), and receive access to members-only events.
Library Access
Borrow from our extensive collection of books by Carl Jung and other philosophers for free.
Study Groups
After each lecture, meet with others to talk about what we learned and share resources to deepen understanding.
Curious Community
Become part of a diverse community of people curious about Carl Jung and his teachings.